Thursday 24 May 2012

Managing natural hazards

'Managing' natural hazards is really about learning to live with them and knowing what's best to do in times when the hazard is actively taking place. There are at least 6 major steps here:

  1. Risk assessment: determining the probability of a particular hazard happening and the scale of its possible damage
  2. Prediction: putting in place monitoring systems that might give warning about an imminent (forthcoming) hazard
  3. Preparation (adjustment): finding ways of reducing the possible death toll and the scale of damage of property. Educating people about the hazards of the areas in which they live and what to do in case of an emergency is important here
  4. Hazard event: the natural hazard that has been anticipated and planned for happens
  5. Recovery: first emergency aid then repairing the damage. 
  6. Appraisal: an examination of what happened after the event with many questions to be asked and answered. Were there emergency plans ready to put into action? How effective were the preparations that had been made before the event? What should be done to make them better in the future?
Case Study of the Management of a Tectonic Event in an HIC:

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Note: This blog will no longer be updated as I finished IGCSEs in 2012. Sorry! :( If you are interested in buying IB notes though, please contact me. :)